Our Special thanks go out to:
Each of the artist/ performer...
for taking time to come out and for putting on an AMAZING show.
The Yoshimoto family... for sound/tech.
The Cardenas family... for guest relations.
Phil Chao, Mel Tajon & all the BTVfam... for all the support and the live broadcast online .
All the Volunteers: The Anthonys, Mark Estrada, Sapphira Ha, Alan Kwan, Deanna Ngo, Karina Ramos, Rachel Ricafort, Jenny Robles and Marc Salvatus.
The Photographers: Mike Ladia & Sai Yep, MellyLee Productions, Michael Cupino, Lolo Photos, and Vinimack Photography.
Kababayan @ UCI, MOVeMEDIA Productions, RADisRAD, The UCI Event Staff .
...Each and every one of you made all the difference for this event and its cause! On behalf of Scott Yoshimoto, Joseph Vincent, and Myself--Thank you again from the bottom of our HEARTS!!